Momentum Realty

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A Letter to the Tribe!


We all know that going into real estate isn't a get rich quick scheme. It's hard work, long hours, and deep commitment - especially in the beginning. Despite being one of the best wealth building opportunities on the planet, only a handful of agents each year make a healthy profit and actually grow their net worth year-over-year.

Most can, few do.

Believe it or not, many top agents and teams are barely profitable and just getting by on week-by-week basis. Yet, still the ones who do grow their financials, don't know how to counterbalance, and remain on the hamster wheel for life, never really living out the freedom they earned. Some agents keep producing at a high level at the sacrifice of their families and health simply for accolades or awards that don't really mean anything - except perhaps to stroke their ego.

Do you ever look at the people ahead of you and realize you don't want what they have?

Well we want to change that. See, Brittany and I became financially free through real estate sales and investing within three and a half years, after starting with a net worth of negative $80,000 in 2016. Yes, we sacrificed health, family, and relationships, but we didn't have to. We made the typical mistakes most of us do and it could have been different.

So we launched our company to share with others how to become financially free through real estate faster and with less sacrifice. The company started off with a handful of agents, just four of us in 2020, and then it became a movement.

Now we commonly hear agents and vendors say, "thankfully, it's a Momentum agent on the other side of the transaction!"

Momentum agents are part of a brand that is making a difference in raising the standards in the real estate industry. This is badly needed as more and more agents and brokerages with no standards or care for the customer enter the industry. Thank you for raising the standard.

We never thought we would be here today, leading a brokerage that has grown 45% in 2022 already, all through attraction - and not recruiting. A brokerage that is Top 10 in Northeast Florida & Gainesville by volume within 30 months -- and just expanded to Georgia. We felt and still strongly feel that the financial information provided through our tribe is missing in the marketplace; that other leaders don't care about actually helping their agents achieve financial freedom or their customers, and that many other leaders have never achieved the level of success that their members are seeking.

How can you learn from others what they've never done themselves? We all know how following false idols or emotional marketing ploys plays out.

So, we are bringing everything we learned from investment banking, finance, service, and real estate sales, here, to Momentum's community. We are bringing in valid speakers, business people, and coaches to you on a monthly basis for our people to take advantage of and connect with. We are developing workshops and masterminds to facilitate what has been learned, knowing that our top agents may not be able to travel to conferences themselves and gain access to specific mastermind groups.

Through the tools, mindsets, and playbooks we have developed at Momentum, we want all of our tribe members to become financially free, and in a shorter period of time than they would have done alone. We have put these resources together because we think that financial freedom derives all freedom.

We bring the tools and resources, and when YOU take action, that's where the magic happens. Massive action is the key to your success. And, your level of action is determined by how big your goals are. The bigger your goals, the bigger your actions. It all starts with what you think of yourself, your self-identity.

Are you ready to take on living a big life?

At Momentum:

  • we believe financial freedom derives all freedom.

  • we believe the best recognition is more opportunity.

  • we believe we can make a difference in our community through service.

  • we believe that following proven, valid leaders will produce exponential and faster results.

  • we believe if you help enough other people get what they want, you'll get what you want.

#movewithmomentum #onward #momentumrealty #makingadifference #thinkbig #takeaction #passion #purpose #integrity #growth