Momentum Realty Launches Ascend Group

Momentum Realty Launches Ascend Group, a New Real Estate Group for Less Experienced Agents, Co-owned by Momentum Top Agents

Each month, Momentum Realty has had to decline affiliation with dozens of agents because they didn’t meet the brokerage’s minimum production requirements. Momentum would then suggest other brokerage options that those agents might consider.

All that is about to change, as Momentum launches a sister company, Ascend Group, a real estate group for new or less experienced agents. Agents who join Ascend will be trained by top producing Momentum agents, called Momentum Champions, who are also co-owners in the company. That high-level training will help Ascend agents learn how to grow their businesses and become top producers themselves.

Co-founder and Broker-in-Charge, Brittany Brooks, explained the impetus for creating the new group:

"When we turn down Momentum applicants because they don’t qualify from a production standpoint, we often guide them to other brokerage options in the marketplace. But we have quickly realized that most of those other brokerages don’t offer training by valid leaders or top producers. Often, it’s from a W-2 type teacher or coach, or sometimes a broker who has never reached a high level of sales success themselves, people who may be disconnected from current market dynamics. That makes their training much less effective. We saw a need for a platform that would provide valuable training tools to less experienced agents, and that led us to launch Ascend Group. Ascend will be co-owned by Momentum top producing agents, called Momentum Champions, who will offer vital, high-level training for these agents."

"These Momentum Champions already know how to provide amazing service," Brittany continued. "They are Top 5% producers in their market, and they earn more than a quarter million dollars in revenue per year. We believe that agents will want to join Ascend in order to learn from them. We sometimes say that ‘proximity is power,’ that the closer you are to those who are achieving at a high level, the more you adopt their mindsets and attitudes that have created their success. We see that happen at Momentum, and we expect that will happen at Ascend. And the fact Ascend’s Champion trainers are also Ascend co-owners makes them highly vested in the success of the agents they teach."

Momentum Champion and Ascend co-owner, Michelle Weaver, says, “Who is teaching you, and what they are teaching you on a daily basis, will make all the difference in the outcome for these agents. It’s no surprise that the two-year failure rate for new licensees is 87%. We want to change that statistic and we already have 23 Momentum Champions who are financially vested in this market opportunity, and committed to serving these agents."

Shauna Clark, another Momentum Champion and Ascend co-owner, is eager to start. "Being offered the opportunity to invest in Ascend Group by being a top producer at Momentum is an unbelievable opportunity. It also gives me a platform to give back to other agents who don't qualify for Momentum, which is really on my heart. As a current top producer and investor, I have a vested interest in seeing these agents succeed, and I can teach them from my personal experience, instead of from books."

Co-Founder of Momentum, Jon Brooks, said Momentum believes in long-term relationships with their agents, and offering ownership in Ascend is another example of providing Momentum’s top producers financial opportunities that they cannot get elsewhere. It’s also a way to advance the Momentum mission to change the way real estate is done in Florida.

“Our goal is to use Ascend Group as a jumping board to propel forward the next wave of agents, and their level of service to the community and the standards that back it,” Jon said. “In some ways, Ascend is like a real estate bootcamp. We take agents with passion and raw talent who want training to reach the level of success they desire, including potential partnership with Momentum. We are changing the industry from the inside out, and it's incredible to watch it unfold."

Ascend Group is now accepting applications for newer, part-time, and newly licensed agents, and welcomes them into Ascend's culture of productivity and support!


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