Become A Mega Real Estate Agent in Your First Year.

How did I sell 66 homes / $12.1M in my first year in real estate, in a new city, with no money and no database, and 5.5x my income with no sales training and outproduce every other agent in my office by a 3x multiple? 

Read further to see how I made $300,000 in my first year in real estate.

I committed.

I only had a few thousand in my bank account when I started so I knew the only thing that could make things better for me was getting new business daily. So I made cold calls, door knocked, and open houses for a minimum of 6 hours a day, including weekends.

After dinner, I sat down and tracked numerically what I did, how long it took me, and what the outcome was. I also tracked every dollar I spent for the day. I would then tell my girlfriend about it. I would lastly be sure to track which activities I enjoyed doing and which ones that I didn’t.

I never missed a phone call.

If a call came in while I was taking a shower, I would hop out and take it. If a call came in during dinner or while chatting with friends and family, I would jump out and take it.

I reinvested 87-90% of my income.

The reinvestment of my income was split between paying off student loans, credit cards, and my car loan and putting money back into my business to grow it. After my debt was paid off, I then split my money between buying real estate / stocks and putting it back into my business.

I modeled myself off of those ahead of me and copied them.

When I got stuck or hit a plateau, I instantly started looking for someone who is where I want to be and could help me from experience. I wouldn’t ask just anyone, it had to be someone a level or two ahead of me. I want to go forwards, not backwards. I was surprised to see how many top agents were willing to sit down for coffee with me to give me advice just by asking once or twice.

I didn’t settle.

When I outgrew my brokerage, I instantly started looking at others. I started running what my financials would look like in each company and who I would get access to (most important is the WHO). Everything else I could buy. I even chose a brokerage further away physically from my home, just because I wanted access to their leadership and their level of thinking. And that decision paid off!

I studied relentlessly.

At night I was huddled up studying, reading books, running my numbers, planning the next day, and looking for experts I could connect with. I knew my current state of thinking wouldn’t get me where I wanted to go. So, I bought tickets to conferences and traveled to learn from experts and expand my network.

I experimented a lot.

Once I had enough cash flow, I reinvested by experimenting with different lead sources. I signed up for so many things I even got scammed once or twice. I learned so much that it kept me focused on what actually moves the needle, in business, which has helped me avoid future distractions. I have become very skeptical and do extreme diligence on any lead source before committing to it.

I thought long-term.

I collected reviews online on all platforms from ALL of my customers so that people could find me and see the experience others are having with me. I knew that being findable would help me automate my lead generation.

I played to win.

When I lost a client to another agent, I instantly would go back to the drawing board and figure out what happened. I would adjust after each failure, and ask for feedback relentlessly and adjust my processes.

I sacrificed.

I gave up time with friends, weekends, and some mental and physical health to make it happen. I am counterbalancing all of this now and don’t regret the temporary sacrifice at all.

Winning an Award in 2016 after only a few months at my big-box brokerage. Unfortunately, my biggest expense was my brokerage who made $44k+ during my first year in real estate between high splits and fees.

Overall, I got into real estate because I wanted to change my life. I wanted to own something rather than to be owned by something (a W-2 job). I didn’t want to live the life I saw playing out if I didn’t make a move. I wanted more out of life. I couldn’t sit still in mediocrity. I had this great fear of being average.

By luck, I stumbled into one of the last remaining industries that directly rewards effort, skill, and results with more income.

Within 3.5 years I became a net worth millionaire, trainer, speaker, and coach for real estate agents who also want to achieve financial peace through real estate.

The opportunity is still alive and well today and I can’t wait to see others take advantage of it. 

If you're interested in following my journey more, here's how you can find me.

Instagram: @realestatejax and @brooksonbiz

Facebook: Jon Brooks

YouTube: Brooks on Business

LinkedIn: Jon Brooks

Tiktok: @MomentumRealty


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