Momentum Realty

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Tackling This Crazy Real Estate Market

The North Florida real estate market is fierce, with an extremely low supply of inventory.

It’s not the place for the weak or timid, whether buyers or agents.

Yet, a select few Top Agents are actually picking up market share, and driving their business forward.


The agents who are thriving can see that when there is a challenge, there is also opportunity.

They refuse to let the market move forward without them, but instead are adapting with the market.

Here's what Top Agents are doing differently in order to grow their business in today’s market:

#1. Changing Who They Spend Time With.

They're spending time and collaborating with other Top Agents on what is working in the battle to get listings.

As I often note, you become the average of the five agents you spend the most time with.

If your five are complaining and not sharing their successes in today's market, that means you have the wrong five.

It’s time to make a move and top-grade your colleagues.

#2. Watching Their Mindsets and Their Story.

They're acknowledging the low inventory story, but taking massive action to change with the market.

The fact is, every market has its challenges.

It’s one thing to acknowledge the low inventory situation, and yet another to let that acceptance derail your success by "waiting" for the market to change.

This IS the market now, so learn to compete in it. And frankly, this crazy market is actually one of the best ever, in terms of the commissions available.

More units than ever are selling, and practically everyone is highly motivated.

This market is offering one of the biggest opportunities for accumulating wealth in recent real estate history.

#3. Building Professional Agent Relationships.

Today’s Top Agents are building relationships stronger than ever with other Top Agents.

They know that often, the difference between winning and losing offers for their customers comes down to trusting that the agent on the other side of the deal will make it happen.

Agents are also sharing properties offline, via Coming Soon and Waiver to MLS advertising with each other, thereby helping their Buyers get a competitive edge on upcoming inventory.

#4. Moving from Virtual to Physical.

As Covid restrictions lift, many Top Agents are beginning to trim their online leads and strengthen their face-to-face game.

In other words, they are moving from marketing to prospecting, as online lead costs skyrocket.

Moving toward fewer purchases of online leads, which are often 90% buyers, could result in a strong savings in time and money. (Unless your price point for online leads is above $400-450K, in which case leads may still be worth buying).

These Top Agents then use that extra money and time to deepen and strengthen their ties within the communities they've already built.

Ultimately, the key to this market is how you view it.

It's either the best opportunity ever, and you're going to go deeper into it… or you're going retreat and retract.

Character is revealed under pressure.