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GoBundance Champions Event

Had the privilege to attend a GoBundance Champions event in Austin, TX this week. I have been part of this group for three years now and my life has gone exponential since participating in the organization.

Here are some notes from the event. If you’re interested in learning more about the group, just reach out to me.

Notes are from Speakers Jesse Itzler and Aaron West, in no particular order, unfiltered.

GoBundance Champions Notes:

Aaron West

  • 8760 hours in a year

  • how many hours do you spend focusing on your goals and goal planning? (most people say less than 1-2 hours)

  • no one wants to live an average life (yet no one plans for an exceptional one)

  • putting pen to paper is like a contract to your soul

  • go through your phone and see highlights for 2022, what was high and what was low?

  • are you living a life in congruence with your goals?

  • are you good at doing life?

  • don't play life on defense, play life on offense. 

  • plan everything that is important FIRST. 

  • how do you get everything you want in life? you plan it. 

Jesse Itzler

  • act with a sense of urgency, you don't live forever

  • how many times will you see your parents? do the math. 

  • have an awareness of urgency. 

  • friend reduction: high aggravation and low reward. don't go through high aggravation for low reward. It applies to friends too. You want friends who are low aggravation and high reward. Add people who are uplifting and take you to a higher level and direction. Just cause you were friends when you were young does not mean you have to be friends when you're older. 

  • 25% of podcasts do one podcast. 60% of podcasts do less than 10 episodes. The odds for you to win are absolutely incredible if you do 1,000 podcasts. The state of this country gives you so much opportunity, so many unfortunately have so little grit. This is an opportunity for you. 

  • ask yourself: would I recommend myself as a business partner? A dad? A husband? A friend? An owner? Where are you not performing / meeting expectations?

  • you can't outsource certain things. You can't wing it. Put your soul into what you do or don't do it. Don't waste your time. You have to be all in.

  • I want you to take risk today and fail. Encourage failure, especially with your kids. It is a human condition. And you fail your way to success. 

  • failure is just an event, it doesn't define you. 

  • if you want to have an exceptional life, you have to put yourself in exceptional situations. 

  • high ticket business with less customers are more attractive than high volume business. 

  • relationships between parents come first before the relationships with the kids as it is a bedrock to the family's structure

  • short leashes will destroy your relationship, give you partner a long leash. 

  • if your partner restricts you then you'll resent them

  • luck doesn't happen when you sit on the couch

  • if it makes you feel heavier don't do it (also with food), if you feel lighter, do it. 

  • sometimes your life is a subtraction game. You don't need to add, you need to remove. 

  • say no when people ask for your time. as your star shines brighter, you're going to get more requests. be clear on how you spend your time.

  • rule of 100: if you spend 100 hours in any discipline you'll be better than 95% of the world's population in that discipline. So when you give up time (or watch netflix), think about what that time could be going to that serves you and your family. 

  • values and ethics have to connect in relationship

The Probability of completing a goal is:

  • 10% if you have an idea or a goal actually in mind. 

  • 25% if you consciously decide you will do it. 

  • 40% - if you decide when you will do it.

  • 50% - if you plan how you will do it.

  • 65% - if you commit to someone, you will do it. 

  • 95% - if you have a specific accountability appointment with a person you've committed to

*huge jump to 95% when you place structures in place for accountability

**source: The American Society of Training and Development (ASTD)

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