GoBundance Champions Steamboat Event Notes

This week I had the great privilege of attending a GoBundance Champions event in Steamboat, Colorado. For those of you who don’t know, GoBundance is a mens networking group for net worth millionaires (check out The Tribe of Millionaires) - and there’s a GoBundance Women’s Tribe too!

I am also super humbled at the readers of this newsletter as I had many come up to me at the event to let me know I should be sharing more often and that this content is valuable to them.

I didn’t realize how closely you are reading this, and appreciate your comments and feedback because I only stopped the frequent posting as I hadn’t received feedback. I am only focused on doing things that make an impact and make a difference.

My goal is to help create 10 millionaires through real estate in the next 5 years. My passion is helping others to achieve their version of financial freedom.


^Group that donated $3K each to 1 Life Fully Lived, a great non-profit charity run by Tim Rhode!

Here are some of my favorite notes and takeaways from the event! They’re in no particular order. Enjoy!

  • Get financially free so you can figure out exactly who you are. You often discover your purpose after you are financially free. 

  • Religion is in decline - Americans are missing shared values / community more than ever + social media making people more lonely.

  • Fed forces you to invest in something because of low rate environment.

  • You have more control of your health and your lifespan than ever before.

  • The clock that's ticking is only 20% genetic. The epigenome responds to the environment, not to genetics, and your environment is 80% responsible for your lifespan. 

  • If you're not embarrassed of who you were 5 years ago, you're not growing fast enough. 

  • How to hire talent: 1) respect, give them space to operate and perform. 2) hold them accountable via NUMBERS. Lots of frauds masquerading as talent. It doesn't matter what they say, NUMBERS are what tell you if they're talent. If they're consistent talent then treat them as equal/superior in the role. 3) Give them opportunities they can't get anywhere else. 

  • Your life is a reflection of your decisions.

  • Jon's Aha: The ones who are building wealth fast have mentors who have spent 20-30 years doing it. They don't just simply figure it out on their own and become successful. They speed into the gap via mentors. You pay for it one way or another, either through mentors or mistakes. I would rather pay for access to mentors.

  • You're always too much of something to someone. Be too good for it to matter.

  • Never seen a positive leader with a negative team.  

  • People don't hit their goals if they hang around even ONE negative person. 

  • Change small, change often. Never sell a product, sell the result. Don't get ready, stay ready. 

  • Getting rich vs staying rich - are very different skills sets. 

  • The only goal of money is independence. Use money to get more time, not necessarily more stuff. 

  • The best thing to teach your kids about money is to lead by example. 

  • Your political beliefs are generally what you observe of your father. 

  • On their death bed, not a single person wishes that they had worked harder and made more money. Most say that they wish they were nicer, made more time with family -- money never even came up. 

Which ones stand out to you? Again, if I don’t get engagement I’ll likely just keep all my notes to myself lol. Onward!


David Osborne’s private mastermind with Champions!


GoBundance Member Interview!

You can learn more or follow me @ the following:

Instagram: @realestatejax

Twitter: @movemomentum

TikTok: @momentumrealty

YouTube: Brooks on Business

Website: jonkbrooks.com

#movewithmomentum | movewithmomentum.com | jon@movewithmomentum.com


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