How the Wealthy Think, Live, and Act

Brittany and I recently had the great privilege of being invited to and attending a real estate conference in Asheville, NC where the average attending participant was a multi-millionaire (often $50M+ net worth).

We periodically travel for knowledge so that we can bring back what we learn to our Momentum Realty tribe of top real estate professionals in Florida. This way, the communal wisdom is spread to our business community at the fraction of the cost and time commitment that it took us to acquire.

While we had a deeper in-person meetup within Momentum, I am now sharing you the sparknotes version of what we learned and shared with our members.

So.. here’s what we noticed about the wealthy….


  1. Understand Risk. The biggest risk is not taking one/inaction.

  2. Have Strong Foundations Rooted in Planning/Routine.

  3. Run Their Family Like a Business.

  4. Do ONE THING, Long-Term.

  5. Don't Watch The News.

  6. Have Very High Standards.

  7. Take Wealth and Legacy Seriously.

  8. Prefer Quality Over Quantity.

  9. Self-Evaluate Frequently.

  10. Are Avid Learners & Listeners.

For each one of these statements, we could dive in and discuss them for more than an hour. But, I leave them with you here and now to consider.

What stands out to you? Do any of these statements resonate with you? Look forward to hearing back and connecting.



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