Random Thoughts & Unfiltered Notes
I hesitated in publishing this blog because I’m just taking notes from some of my journals and sharing them here for 16,000 readers. You may get a takeaway or two from them, or not. Though for me, I’m finding that the more I share my authentic thoughts and personal insights, the more I connect with people. I hope you connect with some of my notes and reach out to connect more if they land with you.
The world needs more builders - let’s go build, and along the way, THINK BIG, and QUESTION EVERYTHING.
Random Notes & Thoughts:
Your superpower comes from something in the past. How do you nurture your superpower and make the most of it?
The #1 issue with fast growing companies is that the truth doesn't get on the table fast enough.
60% of problems you have in relationships you will not solve.
Your beliefs are not your own, they've been given to you by other people, society, religion, your upbringing, and school.
How do I get really good at receiving feedback?
Habits can change immediately depending on how fast your change your beliefs.
You get paid as CEO for making good decisions.
Indifference destroys relationships.
Not hiring the best people causes you to have to verify the work and hold people accountable.
People selection is everything.
90% of hiring is finding the right person before they start.
Many people say they're social media experts or gurus but then produce nothing.
The answer is usually simplifying everything.
The purpose of business is to make money.
Lead by example.
Share your story: what makes you interesting?
Focus on family and health first, money will come.
It doesn't matter which path you're going down if you don't know where you're going.
Innovation does not solve a decline, that's misassociation.
The signature of mediocrity is chronic inconsistency.
What is your 80/20?
People are their own problem. You are always the problem and the solution.
On Brokerage Thoughts (separated this out):
Don't want to partner with: the babysit agents, agents with consistent customer complaints, needy agents who are not resourceful, big ego agents, takers and not givers, not appreciative, lazy, not working hard/no hustle, constant low level question agents for questions that have already been answered, ask same questions to multiple people agents, "do it for me" type of agent who is not willing to do the inner work to learn to grow new skills themselves.
Looking to partner with: self sustaining real estate sales professionals who want to GROW - become business owners in a positive productivity environment - and build wealth (invest) and achieve financial and time freedom. No frills, no shiny objects, no fluff, no distractions. A community of like-minded, growth oriented entrepreneurs who want to get to the next level together.
Recruiting: How can you tell if a person has grit, drive, and perseverance within 15 minutes?
Agents coming from another brokerage LOVE Momentum, brand new agents don't know the difference. This is normal. You don't know what you don't know.
Goldman Sachs vs. Walmart brokerages (don't be Walmart, too many already). How to you provide Goldman service at 1/3 the cost?
Touch programs and your database (golden ticket). Goal is to make it systematic and automated (Momentum's automated Focus Program).