Congratulations to Momentum’s 2022 Champions!

In most markets, a top 5% agent produces a sales volume of $8,000,000 or more. According to MarketView Broker, within the Northeast Florida Association of Realtors, there are approximately 620 agents who produce at that level.

For 2022, Momentum had 27 agents who succeeded in breaking into the top 5%, earning them the moniker “Momentum Champions.”

Congratulations to these 2022 Momentum Champions:

  • Christopher Moore, Corinne Turnbull, Brittany, Turnbull, Jasmine Edge, Madison Beale, Beatrice Bredeson, Brett Nissen, Corey & Kelley Miller, Donavan Arnold, Jodi Casella, Kelly Crews, KC & Rob Harder, Scott Babbitt, Michelle Weaver, Shauna Clark, Jan Rice, Tammy Baranowski, Brooke Hewitt, Matthew Reilly, Savannah Ellison, Carolina Taborda, Hannah & Carlos Lopez, and Nate & Alex Watson

The equity sharing that their achievement earned them is expected to be implemented in coming weeks.  

"When starting Momentum, we promised ourselves that we would be different from other brokerages,” said Momentum Co-Founder, Jon Brooks. “Setting high standards for joining Momentum established a floor for our agents, but we didn't want to put a ceiling on their ability to grow and contribute to the brand, and to be compensated for that contribution. People get into real estate sales because of its unlimited upside, and this opportunity furthers that goal.

"We are hyper focused on helping our agents not only produce sales and income, but also systematize their businesses and grow their long-term net worth, all while maintaining the highest quality customer service and a healthy lifestyle,” Jon added. “Rewarding top performers with additional financial opportunities tied to their high-level performance at Momentum, is just one step toward that promise. It is our company living out its purpose."

To learn more about Momentum, email


#1 Factor: Showing Up.


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