Momentum Mastermind (broker agnostic)

I speak with hundreds of agents per year and many think that joining a new brokerage is a “magic pill” and that their new goals will be met within months of switching companies.

They get sold into the best CRM, best website platform, best “technology”, coolest social media posts, best office lighting, highest office ceilings, lowest cap… you name it.

While these features sound nice, they don’t in themselves generate tangible results.

The truth is: there’s no amount of technology or “X” that can make a low producer become a top producer.

That’s not how business works.

There is no magic pill.

Expectations of an agent wanting to increase their production from 0 to 60+ sales in 12 months (which my wife and I accomplished in our first year), are common place.

Or an agent will say, “I want to make 6 figures this year” (which is actually the average income at Momentum).

But what about changing the expectations of yourself? Are you increasing your personal expectations to become the type of person who can go from 0 to 60+ sales?

Are you showing up as the type of person who experiences this type of growth (which by the way often looks like someone who wakes up early, with pen and paper in hand, studying the best in their market, and then going out and taking massive action daily without complaint and with a positive attitude).

Are you providing the level of service that a 60+ producer provides? Are you so knowledgeable about homes and the housing market that people seek you out for your knowledge? Some questions to ponder.

Your gaps are your next opportunity.

Are you actively surrounding yourself with the level of conversations that will expand your thinking so you become a 60+ unit producer?

If the answer is no, keep reading.

To me, an entrepreneur is a person who can endure pain far beyond the point at which most others give up.

To be a successful business person, it takes courage, grit, passion, and perseverance. It’s not for the faint of heart, but the upside rewards are massive. It also takes someone who is obsessed with relationship building.

The reality is that growth is a process, not an event. All businesses are like this and this is a business truth.

Joining a new growth environment that can help focus you on the variables that actually matter and will move the needle in your life is just the start of your journey.

Often, agents who join Momentum can and will get to the seven figures mark (if that’s their goal), but that does not happen overnight. Frankly. 99% of agents who get to that level of production are in business for at least five years. So naturally, these agents are long-term thinkers. Remember: it’s a process.

For those of you who just doubted that you even want to make $1,000,000 (too much work, no lifestyle, etc. insert “X” excuse), just remember, we all have 24 hours in a day and it’s how we spend our time that makes the difference — and who we choose to spend it with.

Secondly, the folks who are selling the most and being the most profitable, are often working the least. You already know why that is (cough hiring talent and leveraging out of responsibilities). That’s another skill set for another time — and is also the #1 reason why agents don’t break through to scaling.

My observation is that the agents who have massive success are the ones who understand that growth most commonly comes from intentional and incremental changes over time.

Looking back, it may feel like a quantum leap, but in reality, it’s a series of incremental changes.

A Momentum Agent will look back over the last 12-24 months and look in the mirror and say WOW I can’t even believe I am here now - I am more profitable and have a better lifestyle. I am more focused and strategic —how did this happen? Then they’ll go back and look at all the adjustments they made, over time.

They’ll say it happens through small tweaks over time by being in a growth-oriented organization with growth-oriented content and through daily measurement, preparedness, and the desire for positive change.

But being a person who is willing to change themselves may not be enough. Wanting it and working hard (no Netflix here) may not be enough.

You must be the full package yourself AND be in an environment that encourages you to be your best and avoid at all costs the plague of mediocrity that seeps deeply into our daily lives and the world around us.

You want a group of people who will push you beyond your current capabilities and who are willing to have the hard conversations with you that no one else will have. Likewise, you must become someone who is worthy of being invested in, by showing up, participating, asking questions, and taking the uncomfortable action.

Just imagine that you improve ONE process, system, or script each month. You do ONE thing differently. You start thinking differently, then start acting differently. Your friends notice, maybe your family.

Over a year, your business and life looks completely different.

You look back and are amazed.

That’s where the problem comes in.

The problem is that most agents aren’t thinking, they’re just doing.

They don’t carve out the time to work on their business.

They’re reactive instead of proactive.

They ride the real estate sales roller coaster, burn out, and crash.

All of this is actually very predictable.

As a former coach, I can ask you a few questions and immediately see where you are on the roller coaster ride.

Ask yourself: how long are you going to give it before reaching your goals? Who is going to hold you accountable to those goals and why are they the right person? Who are you going to model yourself off of that you know is super profitable and living the lifestyle you want to live? What conversations are you having that are elevating your thinking?

See, most people are unrealistic in the time it will take to succeed AND the action it’ll take to succeed. That’s why doing the math daily makes all the difference. Do you know the economics of your business?

With awareness and measuring progress (or lack thereof) comes the ability to adapt.

At Momentum we specialize in helping agents stop trading their time for money.

We believe it is not about grinding and working harder. It’s about putting systems and people in place that allow you to buy your time back.

We are contrarian to other brokerages by saying, “We believe the purpose of real estate is to get out of real estate.”

Other brokerages just want you to keep working in the real estate rat race so they can keep collecting fees off of you for as long as possible. They couldn’t care less about your family’s financials or your personal lifestyle.

You are just a number in their big machine and if you left, no one would even notice you’re gone.

All of this is why we launched a new Momentum Mastermind. It is brokerage agnostic (i.e. anyone can join, regardless of which company you’re with — who cares).

If you want to learn more, click here. The group meets once per week and is asking BIG questions that give us BIG answers.

The mastermind is filled with rich content that allows you to get the information you need to think big and question everything - and maybe even, completely change your life.


Jacksonville, FL Market Statistics - Momentum Realty


Notes - Tony Robbins Summer Momentum & Close the Gap