What’s it going to take?

In today's market, you want to be the person doing stuff, not talking about stuff. 

Take Action, Be Selective

Goals vs. Activities 

Sales are down 12.6% locally in Northeast Florida year-over-year and more agents are in real estate school than ever (1.2M+).

It's time to get focused.

So the question for you is:

Are you going to increase your activities or decrease your goals?

Why? Because market conditions have changed.

The market is just a condition. It’s not good or bad. It has nothing to do with you — or your customers. The sun goes up and the sun goes down. The moon comes up and then goes down. The market goes up and then it comes down. It is just what it does. The key attribute of a market is that it is constantly changing (though it is somewhat predictable via trends). The successful entrepreneurs change with the market and lean into the trends. The weak ones complain and fall out. We know this to be true; it happens every cycle.

Yet most of us, as we are now in the second week of June, haven't yet gone back and updated our original goals ,and the level of activities that backed them, that we set out to achieve at the beginning of the year. When you set those goals, the market and economy were different. It’s time to go back to the drawing board and update the game plan. 

Are your goals still your goals? Do the goals matter to you as much today as they did on the day you set them? What has changed? Internally and externally? What needs to change in your schedule?

A Quick Example.

For example - say it previously took you 20 conversations to set a good appointment with a customer. Yet today, it's likely closer to 40 conversations to set a good appointment — due to market conditions. To create the same result as the prior market, you will be required to double your activities. This actually isn't too hard considering technology increases and how motivated many of us are in seeking connection after the COVID-19 pandemic.

What are you going to do differently to make more conversations happen?…

Or... will you just lower your goals due to the market conditions, by keeping your activities at the same level?

Controlling Your Environment 

More than ever, who you listen to matters.

That means you want to re-evaluate your advisory board.

Your advisory board is the group of experts you call upon when you're in a rut. 

Your advisory board should consist of 3-4 experts who are ahead of where you want to be. They’re likely in other industries, have a strong track record of success, and in a stage in their life where they want to invest their time in others. 

Is everyone on your advisory board seeing the shift as an opportunity to think big and take action? If not, it may be time to top-grade your board. 

Other Factors to Consider:

  • Read and study the business books of the greats.

  • Spend time with people who are excited about what's next and who give you energy. 

  • Replace TV and cable news with books and positive, business and personal development podcasts. 

  • Create an accountability pod or leave the current one you're in if it's not working. 

It's simple: if you want to stay the same, then change nothing, and suffer the consequences. Yet, if you are looking to continue your growth, and create opportunity out of the new market environment, change your environment

It's game time, and to win, you have to play the game differently than you were at the beginning of the year.

To summarize: Adjust Activities, Take Action, and Be Selective.

Make yourself so strategically productive that you don't even have time to think about the market. Let’s get it!

  • JB - jon@movewithmomentum.com -


Housing Affordability Crisis, Jacksonville, FL


Two Mental Models That Could Change the Game.