Two Mental Models That Could Change the Game.

Recently I had the privilege to attend a private retreat with several other highly productive entrepreneurs.

While we often talk about family and business, we also go over life models, which our moderator shared with us. 

You may find useful - or at least interesting - these two mental models below, that I took away from the retreat. You may consider applying these models in your own life and circumstances.

Model 1: Victim, Villain, and Hero.

The first mental model is via a simple framing and question:

Question: Every story must have a Victim, a Villain, and a Hero (Victor). Which one are you being? 

This type of framing and questioning can immediately provide clarity for you or someone you're working with when they're telling themselves a story. It myth-busts within seconds and creates awareness. Awareness is the first step to change. 

Model 2: Achievement vs. Fulfillment Paths

The second mental model is determining whether or not you are operating out of the need for validation or fulfillment.

Most people operate out of not being good enough, which leads them to prove how good they are, to get external validation to feed their ego.

This frequency of performance becomes an unfulfilling cycle of constantly needing to do more to feel a sense of self-worth.

If you are a high achiever, you can probably relate.

Yet, a segment of those achievers transcend to operating at a higher frequency backed by doing purpose based work that leads to the feeling of fulfillment.

This type of fulfillment work is often connected to serving others or making a meaningful change in the world. The energy between the two is similar but different.

The high achievers who need external validation make it all about them.

The high achievers on the fulfillment path make it all about others.

To me, this is a model to look at when making big decisions and figuring out why I am doing specific things. 

What do you think? Try it out!


What’s it going to take?


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